Data Completeness

Comté Townlands (eau exclue) Townlands (eau inclue) Baronnies Paroisses civiles
Mayo 100% 96,79% 80,70% 100%


Terres et eaux non couvertes par des townlands

Combien de temps pour cartographier Mayo ?

Surface couverte par 2 townlands ou plus

Sometimes lines following borders appear as "overlap". Zooming in may reveal a tiny overlap somewhere along the line. Sometimes these overlaps are necessary e.g. where roads cross waterways.

Land & Water not covered by Electoral Divisions

Land covered by 2 (or more) Electoral Divisions

No EDs overlap in Mayo in the OpenStreetMap database.

Land not covered by Civil Parishes

Land covered by 2 (or more) Civil Parishes

Sometimes lines following borders appear as "overlap". Zooming in may reveal a tiny overlap somewhere along the line. Sometimes these overlaps are necessary e.g. where roads cross waterways.

Surface non couverte par des baronnies

Surface couverte par 2 baronnies ou plus

Sometimes lines following borders appear as "overlap". Zooming in may reveal a tiny overlap somewhere along the line. Sometimes these overlaps are necessary e.g. where roads cross waterways.