Electoral Divisions
We found 1 ED matching your search of "peak".
Gortnapeaky, Co. Waterford
We found 22 townlands matching your search of "peak".
Ballinaspeaka, Boyounagh Civil Parish, Barony of Ballymoe, Co. Galway
BallyMacPeake-Lower (aka Ballymacpeake Lower) , Tamlaght O'Crilly Civil Parish, Barony of Loughinsholin, Co. Londonderry
Ballymacpeake Upper (Baile-mac-Fiacha) , Maghera Civil Parish, Barony of Loughinsholin, Co. Londonderry
Ballynease-Macpeake, Ballyscullion Civil Parish, Barony of Loughinsholin, Co. Londonderry
Caherpeak East (Cathair Pléac Thoir or Cathair Péic Thoir) , Kilcolgan Civil Parish, Barony of Dunkellin, Co. Galway
Caherpeak West (Cathair Pléac Thiar or Cathair Péic Thiar) , Kilcolgan Civil Parish, Barony of Dunkellin, Co. Galway
Drumpeak, Enniskeen Civil Parish, Barony of Clankee, Co. Cavan
Garrynapeaka, Inchigeelagh Civil Parish, Barony of West Muskerry, Co. Cork
Gortnapeaky (Gort na Péice) , Lismore and Mocollop Civil Parish, Barony of Coshmore and Coshbride, Co. Waterford
Letterpeak (Leitir Péic) , Moycullen Civil Parish, Barony of Moycullen, Co. Galway
Meenapeaky (Mín na Péacaí) , Inishkeel Civil Parish, Barony of Banagh, Co. Donegal
Moneystaghan-MacPeake, Tamlaght O'Crilly Civil Parish, Barony of Loughinsholin, Co. Londonderry
Mullaghpeak (Mullach Péice) , Donagh Civil Parish, Barony of Trough, Co. Monaghan
Peak, Killererin Civil Parish, Barony of Clare, Co. Galway
Peak (An Phéic) , Baile Chláir Civil Parish, Barony of Clare, Co. Galway
Peak, Cloonygormican Civil Parish, Barony of Ballymoe, Co. Roscommon
Peak, Monivea Civil Parish, Barony of Tiaquin, Co. Galway
Peak, Kilcorkery Civil Parish, Barony of Castlereagh, Co. Roscommon
Peake (Péac) , Ballysheehan Civil Parish, Barony of Middlethird, Co. Tipperary
Peake (An Phéic) , Aghabulloge Civil Parish, Barony of East Muskerry, Co. Cork
Peakroe (An Phéic Rua) , Athenry Civil Parish, Barony of Clare, Co. Galway
Rathpeak, Moore Civil Parish, Barony of Moycarn, Co. Roscommon
We found 1 subtownland matching your search of "peak".
Peakshole, Dunmore Townland, Killea Civil Parish, Barony of Raphoe North, Co. Donegal