Civil Parish

We found 1 civil parish matching your search of "Rahill".

  • Rahill (Ráth Choill) , Barony of Rathvilly, Co. Carlow
  • Electoral Divisions

    We found 1 ED matching your search of "Rahill".

  • Rahill, Co. Carlow
  • Townlands

    We found 19 townlands matching your search of "Rahill".

  • Barrahill (Barr an Choill) , Rathdowney Civil Parish, Barony of Clandonagh, Co. Laois
  • Camarahill North, Donaghmore Civil Parish, Barony of Upper Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow
  • Camarahill South, Donaghmore Civil Parish, Barony of Upper Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow
  • Clarahill (Clárchoill) , Rearymore Civil Parish, Barony of Tinnahinch, Co. Laois
  • Coolyrahilly (Cuar Uí Raithile) , Ringrone Civil Parish, Barony of Courceys, Co. Cork
  • Currahill Lower (Coirrchill Íochtarach) , Kilmaganny Civil Parish, Barony of Kells, Co. Kilkenny
  • Currahill Upper (Coirrchill Uachtarach) , Kilmaganny Civil Parish, Barony of Kells, Co. Kilkenny
  • Gortyrahilly (Gort Uí Raithile) , Ballyvourney Civil Parish, Barony of West Muskerry, Co. Cork
  • Inchirahilly (Inse Uí Raithile) , Moviddy Civil Parish, Barony of East Muskerry, Co. Cork
  • Marahill, Kilmore Civil Parish, Barony of Loughtee Upper, Co. Cavan
  • Marahill, Enniskeen Civil Parish, Barony of Clankee, Co. Cavan
  • Marahill, Ballintemple Civil Parish, Barony of Clanmahon, Co. Cavan
  • Rahill (Ráth Choill) , Rahill Civil Parish, Barony of Rathvilly, Co. Carlow
  • Rahill, Duleek Civil Parish, Barony of Duleek Lower, Co. Meath
  • Rahilla Commons, Kildare Civil Parish, Barony of East Offaly, Co. Kildare
  • Rahilla Glebe, Kildare Civil Parish, Barony of East Offaly, Co. Kildare
  • Rahillakeen, Barony of Ida, Co. Kilkenny
  • Rahillion (Ráth Chuilinn) , Portraine Civil Parish, Barony of Nethercross, Co. Dublin
  • Tarahill, Barony of Ballaghkeen North, Co. Wexford
  • Subtownlands

    We found 1 subtownland matching your search of "Rahill".

  • Urrahill, Urra Townland, Killodiernan Civil Parish, Barony of Lower Ormond, Co. Tipperary