Here are some details about Co. Contae Chorcaí based on data in OpenStreetMap. (Debug overlaps and coverage)

Contae Chorcaí is on Contae Chorcaí.


Contae Chorcaí has an area of 7,505.1 km² / 1,854,539.9 acres / 2,897.7 square miles.

Contae Chorcaí has a total water area of 27,281,108.1 m², which is 0.4% of the total area


There are 23 baronies in Co. Contae Chorcaí that we know about. You may wish to compare this list (below) with Wikipedia's list of baronies in Contae Chorcaí.

Paróistí Sibhíalta

There are 248 civil parishes in Co. Contae Chorcaí that we know about. You may wish to compare this list (below) with Wikipedia's list of civil parishes in Contae Chorcaí.


There are 402 electoral divisions in Co. Contae Chorcaí that we know about.


There are 5472 townlands that we know about in Co. Contae Chorcaí. This represents 99.70% of all the area in Co. Contae Chorcaí. You may wish to compare this list (below) with Wikipedia's list of townlands in Contae Chorcaí.


There are 248 subtownlands that we know about in Co. Contae Chorcaí.

OpenStreetMap Logo OpenStreetMap

Contae Chorcaí was added to OpenStreetMap on 21 Samh 2009 by Polarbear.


Debug overlaps and coverage

How long will it take OSM to finish Contae Chorcaí?